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Pyrometry Sheaths for Use in Furnances-压铸展-铸造展-2015第十六届广州国际压铸、铸造及工业炉展览会-中国最受关注的压铸铸造展会-巨浪展览-The 16th Guangzhou Die-casting, Foundry & Industry Furnace Exhibition
2014年12月16日  压铸展-铸造展- Die-casting expo-foundry expo

Morgan Molten Metal Systems (MMMS), Wallingford, Conn., recently announced the release of its HotRod pyrometry sheaths and other pyrometer assembly products, which are made of an erosion-resistant clay-graphite mix with special plasticity properties.

The pryometer assemblies are designed to have a metal wire inserted into them and then placed into a metal bath to measure the temperature. HotRod sheaths, designed for use in furnaces and other high temperature environments, are supplied with a 0.5-in. (12.7mm) threaded steel tube for attachment to the furnace pyrometry system. MMMS''s pyrometer assemblies have a glaze on the ceramic exterior that protects the product from oxidation to reduce downtime. HotRod sheaths with inner steel tubes are resistant to 1,832 F (1,000 C) and are typically used for aluminum applications. HotRod products require no special tools for installation.

压铸展-铸造展-2015第十六届广州国际压铸、铸造及工业炉展览会-中国最受关注的压铸铸造展会-巨浪展览-The 16th Guangzhou Die-casting, Foundry & Industry Furnace Exhibition

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