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2021年5月25日  2021中国不锈钢展会, 2021不锈钢博览会
     上海旭健不锈钢有限公司是一家不锈钢材料贸易及加工中心,主要经营板材及不锈钢抛光无缝管。位于江门的加工中心拥有精密分条机两台、平直机四台、磨砂机两台,剪板机等,既可为客户提供304316、430409439等钢种表面处理如NO.4、HL8K、着色、蚀刻,亦可因应客户修去定制尺寸,时间迅速品质稳定,深受客户信赖。 “以客户需求为导向”是我司一直坚持的经营方针,目前建立上海,无锡,佛山,江门等四个办事处,对客户的需求做到全面快速反应及解决,成为业内极具竞争力的高品质全方位的不锈钢板材供应商。 Shanghai Xujian Stainless Steel co., ltd is a industry-leading supplier of cold rolled stainless steel sheets and bright stainless steel seamless tube. We offer stainless steel sheets such as 304316430409439, etc. Our manufacture factory is located in Jiangmen, which provides various of surface finishing services like No.4、hairline、colorizing、6k、8k、etching、embossing, etc. Two or more surface finishes could be combined. The more surface finishes are combined, the more special finishes are created, and the more quality skills are required. The company is accompanied by a will to continually strive to meet customers’ needs, and Shanghai, Wuxi, Foshan, and Jiangmen as sales offices that would help to react to our customer quickly, and all these above make us strong, flexible, and competitive. If any inquiry, please contact us. Shanghai Xujian Stainless Steel Co., ltd Jiangmen Jiyi Stainless steel manufacture factory Contact: Ms Tongtong He Tel: 0750- 3689352 Cell phone: 138 2400 3480 Email: xujiansteel@126.com www.xujiansteel.com.cn
2021不锈钢展,2021不锈钢展会,2021不锈钢展览会,2021广州不锈钢展,2021广州不锈钢展会,2021广东不锈钢展,2021广东不锈钢展会,2021中国不锈钢展,2021中国不锈钢展会, 2021不锈钢博览会
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